Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How to install molecule and create role and scenario ?


What is molecule?

No one is perfect. We all make mistakes but we can avoid many of them with careful planning.

Molecule project is designed to aid in the development and testing of Ansible roles.

Molecule provides support for testing with multiple instances, operating systems and distributions, virtualization providers, test frameworks and testing scenarios.


Using Molecule is much simpler. We  can create multiple scenarios for testing configuration variances and we can use Docker images for all the common Operating Systems and versions ensuring they are all thoroughly they are all thoroughly tested.


Molecule is written in python and distributed as a pip. In most cases it can be easily installed with the pip command. I am using Docker to test my roles and I therefore need to install the Molecule package with Docker support.

pip install molecule

pip install 'molecule[docker]'

If you have trouble with the installation process check the very well documented steps here.


How to init a role

I’m going to make this section quite practical so you can follow through the steps and set up your own roles with Molecule.

First thing is to initialise the role. There are two different ways depending on whether you’re updating an existing role or creating a brand new role.

How to create New Role


The Molecule init command creates not just  the Molecule directory but also the Ansible one.




Update Existing

 If on the other hand you are updating an existing role, the following command create only the directory molecule with the most basic configuration.


 Molecule contents

Let’s first of all examine the contents of the molecule directory:



The first thing you’ll notice is there is a default directory. This defines your test scenario. For instance, it allows you to test the same role using different configurations. Inside the default directory there are several files. We’re interested in just the molecule.yml and playbook.yml


Let’s look first at molecule.yml



# use Ansible Galaxy to get other modules


  name: galaxy

# we'll be running our tests inside a docker container


  name: docker

# linter to check file systax; try "molecule lint" to test it


  name: yamllint

# docker images to use, you can have as many as you'd like


  - name: instance

    image: centos:7

# run ansible in the docker containers


  name: ansible


    name: ansible-lint

# Molecule handles role testing by invoking configurable verifiers.


  name: testinfra


    name: flake8



And this is playbook.yml which is a standard Ansible playbook to invoke your role.


- name: Converge

  hosts: all


    - role: nginx


First test

You can test your initial setup simply by running molecule create. This command creates the docker images where Ansible will be running your playbooks. Another handy command is ‘molecule login’ to open a shell in to the running docker container for  you to perform debugging for example



First role


I’m going to assume you are creating a new role for this lab. I’m doing a simple nginx installation. My first change is to make the role install nginx when it runs, adding the following to tasks/main.yml


You may have noticed the default image on molecule is centos7. Feel free to change it to whatever image you prefer but I’m sticking to defaults for the moment and I’ll be showing how to test for multiple distributions shortly.



- name: Install EPEL 


    name: epel-release

    state: present

  when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"


- name: Install nginx


    name: nginx

    state: present



Now you can simply run ‘molecule converge’ and the default scenario will run to test your role.




As you can see the role completed successfully!


You can use the command ‘molecuel test’  instead which would run through every single step in molecule such as linting, converging, clean up, destroy, etc. But for our tests converge alone is much faster and lint is unlikely to succeed as we haven’t edited the meta/* configurations.




Testing for multiple Operating System

The above role has only been tested for CentOS version 7. But this role may be used on Ubuntu or Debian and we should therefore test them as well. We do this by adding the different images to the platforms section in the molecule.yml file config



  - name: CentOS-7

    image: centos:7

  - name: Ubuntu-18

    image: ubuntu:18.04




As simple as that the’molecule converge’ command will now create two docker images, one for CentOS 7 and one for Ubuntu 18.08 and run Ansible with our brand new role in both.


You will need to execute molecule destroy after you change the molecule.yml for Molecule to pick up the new configurations.




Molecule can be of great help to ensure your roles are up to the best of standards before you tag them for use. It will help you ensuring quality code is used and it works (at least in isolation). It doesn’t mean it will be all perfect, you will rarely be running a single role on your playbook but it should simplify your debugging when problems occur.